At the room we play games for hours before going to bed and in the morning, my rucksack is broken (or, my sister’s actually. The one you got from school Mia. Universitetet I Vest-Agder. Sorry about that. I think a happy Indian has it now though) I have no idea how it got broken, but it could be related to that I tried to put too much in it. Anyway, after a hot bath in the hot springs and breakfast, we walk down to the orphanage. On the way, though, there s a Tibetan jewelry shop and we decide to go in. I find to really nice bracelets, one with blue mona lisa stones and one with green gronch (can’t remember the exact name’) stones. Seeing as my mother is coming soon and she won’t be able to go to this shop because it was to close that week and go down south (out of season time), I decide to buy the green one for her and the blue one for me. The guy however wants 1200 INR in total for it. I want to pay 800 I say and that it is not so important for me. It is too low, so I don’t buy it, but the girls are still looking around in the shop, so after 5 minutes the guy asks me what price I am truly willing to pay for it. I had just been thinking about it because I really liked the bracelets and I said 900, but nothing more. 900 and I buy them right away. They guy agreed after some thinking and calculating, but he didn’t seem too happy. That could have been an act, but I’d like to think it was because I got a good deal.
At the orphanage the children were at school, but Fiona had some presents for the lady who works there. She is extremely kind and she helped us a lot to find a daily structure for the Bashing orphanage. We stay only for some chai and then we go to the Kullu Project Library which is at Tourist Hotel in Manali. It is basically a box with handy books. We also met Kate; a volunteer at Mission Hospital in Manali. We had some more tea with her before we got the bus back. The bus back went over Naggar which is on the opposite side of the river. I didn’t realise this at first so I got a bit stressed out. This only made me need to pee and we were on a bus that did not stop for those things within the next two hours. I did all right, but then after 1 hour and 30 minutes, Eloise tells me she needs to pee as well. After about 30 more minutes I really need to pee and if Eloise hadn’t told me that she was not able to hold it anymore I wouldn’t have done what I did next.
I grabbed the man selling tickets, asked if he could stop a place for 2 minutes so that my friend and I could pee. Surprisingly enough he said yes and after 10 minutes the bus driver found a nice place to stop, so Eloise and I ran out of the bus, behind a small top of sand and bushes, I made sure no one could see use and we could pee. I seriously could not stop peeing. I had had tea for breakfast, tea at the orphanage and tea with Kate + I had been holding it for a good 2 hours.
When we come back on the bus, people stare at us and smile like crazy. EMBARRASSING! Apparently, two ladies had taken our seats, but the ticket man had said to ‘no,no, they are coming back’ before shouting to everyone on the bus ‘they just needed to pee’ According to Kitty and Fiona everyone bursted out in laughter and leaned over to the windows in case they could see us. But, haha, they could not. A bit embarrassing, but it made it a fun bus ride and a good memory.
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